Rev. James C. Garcia ( irmão Jimmy como é carinhosamente chamado) recebeu seu treinamento
Voz De Restauração Reportes de viagems
sábado, 20 de setembro de 2014
James C. Garcia indicado como Vs da VOFR
A Voz da Restauração tenho
o prazer de anunciar que o Pastor James C. García de San Diego da igreja cristã
aceitou o nosso pedido para servir como Vice- Presidente da Voz da Restauração,
Inc. e suas subsidiárias .
terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009
Hno. Bernabé NC García en Brazil
Queremos anunciar que los servicios del hermano Bernabé NC García Jr en Brazil estarán disponibles en vivo via internet a cortesía de el sitio oficial del ministerio del hermano Luis E. Stockmann de São Leopoldo Brazil.
Abajo está el itinerario. Impresione en el foto para verlo en tamaña más grande. Recuerdense que todos los horarios están en formato de 24 horas tiempo militar (ie. 20:00 horas = 8:00 p.m.) y todos los tiempos son tiempo LOCAL Brazilero que son cuatro (4) horas diferencia del tiempo en Arizona. Entonces, 8:00 p.m. en Brazil son las 4:00 p.m. en Arizona, y 7:00 p.m. en la Ciudad de Nuevo York.
Abajo está el itinerario. Impresione en el foto para verlo en tamaña más grande. Recuerdense que todos los horarios están en formato de 24 horas tiempo militar (ie. 20:00 horas = 8:00 p.m.) y todos los tiempos son tiempo LOCAL Brazilero que son cuatro (4) horas diferencia del tiempo en Arizona. Entonces, 8:00 p.m. en Brazil son las 4:00 p.m. en Arizona, y 7:00 p.m. en la Ciudad de Nuevo York.

segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2009
Convite Suspendido da Guadalajara Mexico
Rev. Bernabé G. García
Apóstol y Pastor del Tabernáculo Phoenix
Rev. Pablo G. García
Pastor Misionero A México
Apreciables Hnos.: el motivo de la presente es para saludarles fraternalmente en el Nombre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, esperando que ustedes gocen de las ricas y abundantes bendiciones de nuestro Dios Todopoderoso. Amen.
Debido a la situación que prevalece en el país de México y en otros países en relación al Virus de la Influenza tipo AH1N1 estábamos esperando hasta el ultimo momento que dicho mal aminorara pero en vista de que no ha sido así, nos vemos en la imperiosa necesidad de suspender nuestra reunión internacional que estaba programada para los días 17,18 y 19 de julio próximo en el Tabernáculo Jericó de Guadalajara, Jalisco, pero confiamos en Dios que esta suspensión de actividades sea solo por este ano 2009.
Hermano Bernabé Agradecería profundamente que por su conducto avisara de lo anterior a nuestros consiervos pastores y ministros de las localidades a fin de que ellos estén totalmente enterados de la situación.
Les reitero un profundo compañerismo hacia nuestros principios que nos han sido legados dándoles a ustedes nuestro apoyo y solidaridad en cualquier circunstancia.
Saludos fraternales a su iglesia familias y ustedes reciban nuestro recuerdo sincero. Dios les Bendiga.
Pablo Reyes Franco.
sábado, 20 de junho de 2009
quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2009
segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009
This week all of us associated with the Voice of Restoration mourn the passing of our pastor's sister in the flesh: Sister Charlotte García Borunda. This small slideshow is presented in loving memory of my aunt Charlotte Garcia Borunda.
She was much loved by Brother William Marrion Branham, and is mentioned many times on tape as one of the "Spinach" girls whose voice graced the famed record that he played over and over again
A faithful wife of Rev. Alejandro Borunda who had a powerful prophetic ministry of vision and discernment, but who subjugated his ministry to the message of the hour. Never did he make a show of the gifts that he had.
They had many struggles, and lived poorly, but she was faithful to stand by his side, and care for her children so that he could dedicate his life to the ministry. Now, more than a decade after Uncle Alejandro's passing, my aunt is together with him once again.
Keep my cousins, Alex Jr, Ernie Sr, Jonathan, and Drucila in your prayers. The hardest thing about this passing was seeing the agony my cousins are going through. May the Lord Jesus Christ be their ever present companion till the end of their days.
The music in the slide show is from a Brazilian pastor from Canoas Rio Grande do Sul by the name of Pastor Virgilio. The lady singing is his wife. May God bless in their ministry. They are the father and mother of Sister Mara, the wife of Pastor Stockmann of São Leopoldo, RGS.
She was much loved by Brother William Marrion Branham, and is mentioned many times on tape as one of the "Spinach" girls whose voice graced the famed record that he played over and over again
A faithful wife of Rev. Alejandro Borunda who had a powerful prophetic ministry of vision and discernment, but who subjugated his ministry to the message of the hour. Never did he make a show of the gifts that he had.
They had many struggles, and lived poorly, but she was faithful to stand by his side, and care for her children so that he could dedicate his life to the ministry. Now, more than a decade after Uncle Alejandro's passing, my aunt is together with him once again.
Keep my cousins, Alex Jr, Ernie Sr, Jonathan, and Drucila in your prayers. The hardest thing about this passing was seeing the agony my cousins are going through. May the Lord Jesus Christ be their ever present companion till the end of their days.
The music in the slide show is from a Brazilian pastor from Canoas Rio Grande do Sul by the name of Pastor Virgilio. The lady singing is his wife. May God bless in their ministry. They are the father and mother of Sister Mara, the wife of Pastor Stockmann of São Leopoldo, RGS.
segunda-feira, 11 de maio de 2009
Batismo em Joinville SC Brazil
Batismo realizado em Joinville dos irmão João Henrique de Oliviera Vieira, Jonathan Alodir Cardoso e Bruno Alodir Carodos, filhos do nosso irmão Genésio Cardoso. Estavam presentes João Bissoli, Anderson Heller, Sidnei Coelho, Jonas Machado, Fabiano Dell'Agnolo, Edson Schneider e sua filha Bruna Schneider e Marcio Jacson dos Santos com minha esposa Rebeca de O. M. dos Santos e minhas filhas Isabele e Anabele Moreno dos Santos.
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